Yeast Infection

What is a yeast infection?

A yeast infection is a common vaginal infection known as candidiasis, caused by an overgrowth of bacteria and yeast cells in the vagina. Yeast infections cause symptoms including:

  • Itching, burning sensations
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Thick, white discharge
  • Pain during sex

When treated promptly, most yeast infections subside within a couple of days. However, when left untreated, yeast infections symptoms can become more severe and treatment may take longer to be effective.

What are risk factors for yeast infections?

Every woman has a certain level of bacteria and yeast in her vagina; it’s part of the healthy balance of the organ. When something causes the bacteria to yeast ratio to change, you can experience an overgrowth of yeast leading to infection and symptoms.

Several factors can lead to a yeast infection, including:

  • Antibiotics
  • Weak immune system
  • Poor diet
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • High-estrogen birth control pills

How are yeast infections diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing yeast infection symptoms, make an appointment with your trusted doctor at Pure OBGYN. They’ll perform a pelvic exam and take a vaginal swab. Your doctor or lab tech will examine your swab for signs of an overgrowth of Candida.

It’s important to have a doctor confirm your diagnosis of yeast infection symptoms like pain, itching, and abnormal discharge can also indicate other infections like bacterial vaginosis and some sexually transmitted diseases.

How are yeast infections treated?

Once your doctor has confirmed a yeast infection is causing your symptoms, they’ll advise an antifungal medication to clear the infection. Your doctor can provide a single dose of oral antifungal medication.

Depending on your diagnosis, you also buy the medication over-the-counter without a prescription. Most treatments include creams or tablets that you insert into your vagina as well as topical ointments to relieve your itching and burning symptoms.

What should I do if I get frequent yeast infections?

If you get yeast infections more than four times a year, you may need an extended prescription for antifungal medication — in some cases for up to six months. You’re more likely to have recurrent yeast infections if you have a weak or compromised immune system.

Call or book an appointment online today for expert diagnosis and treatment for yeast infections.